This album starts off with “Darling”, the lead single from this album that was one of the first released here. It’s a very synth driven intro, with the same sort of dreamy guitar licks that you should expect from them by now. However, it’s noticeably less hazy as their early recordings, which I do really enjoy. On “Darling”, they’re seriously going hard on that surf rock sound they’ve been working on for years. So far, it honestly sounds like Real Estate are playing to their strengths, while altering them just a little since this is their first album not as a trio. It’s obvious too that they're working with more members, the instrumentals as breezy as they are are just so much more fleshed out and lively. For the first time in a long time when it comes to Real Estate’s music, there’s absolutely a TON going on. Man, and these vocals sound fantastic to be perfectly honest. The instrumentals as they go on almost have a hypnotic effect, overall this i just a fantastic single for Real Estate. Even down to those vocal effects towards the end of the track, everything here works well. The only thing I really have to say about this, is that if you’re into the much dreamier and airier early days of Real Estate this is certainly not going to be your cup of tea. BUT, if like me you were iffy on those days, this may certainly be of interest to you. Up next is “Serve The Song” which starts off with the same sort of dreamy atmosphere. You know at this point, I’ll be honest I really don’t know why I keep having to bring that up, that’s the atmosphere that sticks around for the entire album. I do have to say though, one thing that they certainly have switched up is their songwriting. It’s much more at the forefront of their music, so Real Estate more often than not go with a catchy, almost 60’s style of pop songwriting to make these tracks more memorable. For me, personally it’s really appealing, it certainly gives these tracks a ton more of personality. There are your more straightforward dream pop elements here as well, with tons of Surf Rock as well. Plus, I can’t even remember the last time I heard a real solo in a Real Estate track. Up next we have “Stained Glass”. I can’t remember I had this much to write about the music of Real Estate to be honest, it’s a nice feeling. This one has the same sweet and catchy sounds to it, hell I’d even say that Real Estate sound more lively. I just can’t keep stressing this enough though: So far I’m really enjoying this, but that’s coming from a guy who’s never been head over heels for Real Estate. They sound so much more determined in the midst of all of their dreaminess, and personally I love that. The first real hiccup here is on “After The Moon”. Right off the bat, I get this feeling that Real Estate on this one are going for much more of their usual hazy sound. But it doesn’t even come off as classic, it comes off as Real Estate trying to play way too much to their fanbase. To be honest, the result is incredibly boring. Lyrically, this one does absolutely nothing for me. While there are certainly sweet moments, this just makes me wonder what the hell Real Estate are even going for anymore. As this track rolls on it goes from kinda sweet, to unbearably sweet. Now, I for one can deal with a sweet sentiment, but this is just painful, and it’s one of the most boring Real Estate tracks I’ve heard in years. Even the super dreamy, surd inspired guitar solo goes absolutely nothing, and it ends up feeling like it goes on forever. So no “After The Moon” is far from good. Not to mention, that last 30 second detour is one of the most head scratching moments I’ve had all year.
“Two Arrows” as this album rolls on, doesn’t seem like Real Estate are even trying anymore. Quickly, they’re reverting back to their old, heavily atmosphered hazy ways, but they’re taking it way too far. I feel like somewhere between now and the last few years, Real Estate sat down and decided they really wanted to write a 60’s sounding pop record, which this certainly does sound like. But stylistically this is such a huge backtrack to the hazy mess that they were in years ago. But somehow, it’s even less interesting and more jumbled now that they have more members. Lyrically, I actually dig this a lot. But instrumentally, holy shit is this ever putting me to sleep. It’s actually making me miss some of their old material, which is saying something. And for some Godforsaken reason this track is 7 minutes long, no thank you. Up next, “White Light” at the very least seems like a nice sound for them to work with. Instantly, they’re right back to working with much more up front and upbeat sounds, once again mixing dream pop and surf rock. There’s still a very old school sound to their songwriting, but to be honest, here it really shines. The harmonies on the chorus are seriously gorgeous to the point that it makes me feel all warm inside. It’s sweet, it’s much more pop oriented, yet it’s a sound that I feel like Real Estate carry very well. It might still be stuck in the 60’s one way or another, but hell yes does it work for them. “Holding Pattern” up next really gives me a bizarre Smiths vibe, specifically the first Smiths album. But my goodness does it ever seriously work well for Real Estate, let’s put this all in perspective. This isn’t nearly as upbeat or breezy, as a matter of fact it’s probably the least hazy track here. It’s pretty straightforward, but I love the subtle loneliness of the guitars and the slower melodies here. This is a track that literally as soon as it was over I wanted to start right back up again, which honestly I can’t remember the last time I felt that way about a Real Estate song. “Holding Pattern” has a strange simplicity, but it works so well, and it makes me actually really excited to see what they have for us in the future. It’s easily my favorite track here. But just as soon as this track is over, “Time” begins, which gives off a serious throwback vibe to the sounds of their “Days” album. The surf influence is absolutely suffocating here, but everything else really doesn’t fit. The synth work here that seems to be putting it’s way through the entire track is awkward as hell, and lyrically this is a rehashing of a bunch of other tunes here. This one has potential, but it just doesn’t live up to it. Instrumentally, I feel like it doesn't get any less awkward as the track rolls on either, even the vocals are fat from head turning. Overall, “Time” really doesn’t belong on this album at all.
“Diamond Eyes” starts the end of this leg of the album off with a little life. This one goes for the same sort of throwback style of songwriting, but to be honest this one comes off seriously awkward to the point where this doesn’t even sound like Real Estate anymore. It does pick up for the chorus, but overall this one is just so much less flattering for the sound they’ve been going for here. “Same Sun” actually has a really pleasant, sunny sounding start (no pun intended). There are tons of pleasant guitar licks here and the vocals are back to a more flattering sound for Real Estate. Overall, this works really well, especially when it picks up for the chorus. To be honest, “Same Sun” is packed with some of the most heavenly vocals on the entire album. At the end of the day, this is just the epitome of the sound that Real Estate should be going for. It’s positive, it’s happy, and overall it’s seriously likable. Which leads me to the finale here, “Saturday”. Right from the start of this one, it’s absolutely stunning. I love just hearing the piano here all by itself, it’s something we really haven’t heard much of so far here and it just so happens to be one of the most wholesome instrumentals here. The accompanying instrumentals come in rather nicely, and bring back that super dreamy sound of Real Estate’s past. On “Saturday” though, man does it ever work out great for them. “Saturday” quickly transitions into one of the more upbeat tracks that they were supplying us with earlier. I just wish that Real Estate could get some of their songwriting flaws down and maybe bring in a TOUCH of more haziness so the older fans could get back on board, this is solid.
Rating: 7.6/10
Give A Listen To: “Darling”, “Serve The Song”, “Holding Pattern”, “Saturday”
Overall Thoughts: Now going into this being not completely sold on Real Estate was certainly tough. But to be honest, this is a totally new era for the band. They have more members now, which subsequently really did a number on making these instrumentals much more lively. It does make for a slight problem though, at least for older fans. Real Estate used to be all about the atmosphere, which is certainly still here, just far less of the star. In a nutshell, these are some of the liveliest Real Estate tracks yet. If you've never been much of Real Estate fan, this may actually change your mind on them. They still have a few kinks to iron out here and there, but I'm genuinely interested to see what Real Estate do next.
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