This track starts off on a quirky note with all sorts of sound effects and interesting production. But quickly as this track rolls on, it becomes apparent just how quickly these guys have progressed since we last chatted about them. On their “Elephant In The Womb” EP, the vocals while very interesting and dreamy, were often very hard to place. On the other hand, LJA’s vocals here are right up front and have some serious soulful qualities that I wasn’t expecting at all. The very hazy, Psychedelic atmosphere absolutely remains but in a way do seem updated and are much more current sounding. In a weird way, I could almost see fans of Black Moth Super Rainbow being into this. I can’t help but just get caught up in the very woozy, dreary atmosphere here. Overall, I feel like this is a really great progression for these guys. There’s still a really great blending of styles, with obvious dips into Trip Hop and almost Alternative R&B floating in and out. Now, instrumentally, I would have liked this to be a little more diverse. As much as I think this has a really solid atmosphere which I wouldn’t trade for anything, I would have dug hearing maybe a little more guitar or something. And if I’m really being critical, I would have loved if this track was longer. But outside of that, this is a really brilliant single.
If any of this sounds up your alley, check these gents out, and tell em' The Finschise sent ya!
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