This album starts off with “Feel The Same”, and I feel like instrumentals I’ve always not really minded Bully’s music too much. I love just how intense the guitar riffs are on this one. But outside of that, I still feel like singer Alicia Bognanno’s performance time and time again doesn’t really hit the mark. There are some really awkward vocal moments here, and I feel like most of the time her and the rest of Bully are on completely different pages. So yea, this is upbeat and wild and certainly grungy. But Alicia’s performance is on a completely different planet. Her more sweet and poppy vocals seem almost completely out of place, and her rougher vocals just sound completely awkward. All I have to say about “Feel The Same”, is Yikes. Next up is “Kills to Be Resistant”, and instrumentally this fits a lot of the same notes that the opener did. I feel like this is a little more on the rails though, and the result is Alicia and Bully sound like an actual unit. I actually enjoy some of her more soothing moments here, they come off actually chilling, and her shouted vocals come off as some of her most rebellious ever. Overall, “Kills To Be Resistant” is the diamond in the rough here. Not to mention, I feel like Bully actually sound like they have a purpose here, which is something I’ve always felt like they’ve lacked. But here, they sound focused and determined, and I love it. But after having all of those great things to say, “Running” rears it’s head and I feel like I’m listening to a soundtrack to an absolutely abysmal American Pie sequel. The instrumentals are so freaking boring, even more so than usual, because there practically isn’t anything happening here. Then we have Alicia’s vocals, which aren’t horrible on some of the verses. But when she gets into her upper register to belt out this ridiculously bad chorus, I feel like turning this album off altogether. It’s moments like this that make me feel like nothing about Bully sticks out to me, at all. I honestly really think they might do better going for a more Pop sound because it’s the more pop moments of Alicia’s performance that pick this one up a bit. But still, oh boy is “Running” bad. “Seeing It” is up next, and oh great, more Post-Grunge that sounded outdated when bands were doing this in 1998. These instrumentals are beyond boring to the point where it isn’t funny. And Alicia’s performance within this sluggish atmosphere is laughably bad. I still think some of her sweeter vocals come off nice. But as a complete package, this track sucks. Some of Alicia’s wails here are so awkward that I almost feel bad for her. And while, as far as the melody goes as well as some lyrics on “Seeing It”, I think there is some great stuff deep down. But there are just too many elements here that make me less of a Bully fan than ever.
As this album rolls onward, it just gets worse and worse. While I haven’t always been a fan of Bully, I at least could appreciate some of their old, chaotic instrumentals. But “Guess There” may be the most ridiculously boring and sluggish Bully track yet. Alicia sounds absolutely bored to tears, I can shudder to think how any of this would come off live. Once again, lyrically I do get what Bully is going for, and every once in a while, there is a moment of brilliance as far as the melodies go. But outside of that, “Guess There” does NOT work for me. On the contrary, I feel like this is some of the worst material Bull have put together yet. Now, “Blame” is up next, and my initial thoughts were that this is easily the most blatant early 90’s ripoff I’ve heard yet. But no matter how much it sounds like Bully is performing over a Dinosaur Jr. track, I actually really REALLY like this track. I feel like as far as Alicia’s performance goes, this is actually as spot on as it can be. She seems totally invested in the performance, being wild when it needs to be and packing just enough punch. But it’s like I said, here, her vocals are much sweeter and catchier. And that just works so wonderfully for her. “Blame” is easily one of the best tracks I’ve heard from Bully in a very long time. Then we have “Focused”, and just when I felt like Bully was getting back on track I have so many questions about this one. What the hell even is this track? These instrumentals aren’t flattering to anyone in Bully. They’re just so sluggish and bland, to the point where it’s beyond cheesy and quite frankly just laughable. Even Alicia in this instance quite frankly just seems so bored with what’s going on around her, I don’t even want to think about hearing a track like this life. And things just plain get awkward when Alicia starts screaming her head off. Thankfully, Bully answer that with one of the best tracks here. This one has just the amount of groove and oomph that I needed to hear from these guys. Once again, Alicia’s vocals outside of her occasional yells are at their more pop-oriented here. But it ends up making this track loads more memorable. The instrumentals which are going for a nice groove on this one seem just so much more comfortable with Bully’s style. So no, “Not The Way” isn’t exactly wild and life-changing, but it’s a sweet Alt-Rock tune that I certainly wouldn’t mind checking out again.
Bully actually string a few really solid tunes together towards the end here. As this album continues to go for a smoother direction, tracks like “Spiral” really take control. Here, the guitars aren’t nearly as scratchy or explosive. But man, this is just a smooth, retro-tinged Alternative tune. Alicia doesn’t sound like she’s reaching for anything or even has to. And the band around her haven’t sounded this unified in ages. It’s a truly groovy tune that I really love. But like, why can’t we get more of tracks like this? Why does Bully constantly try so hard to bring back the 90’s post Grunge sound? “Either Way” on the other hand is a little more upbeat and exciting. But let’s be honest, Bully continues to sound seriously on a great path. Why the hell they always feel the need to fill the rest of their albums with these cringe-worthy Post Grunge anthems is beyond me. There’s an edge to “Either Way” and all, but Bully just sounds so much more comfortable. Not to mention, when Alicia explodes at the chorus, it comes off actually exciting. It’s short, but it’s also really sweet in Bully’s own way, and very charming. But up next “You Could Be Wrong”, and once again, all that feedback comes rolling back in and it’s pretty awful. All of sudden, Bully sound incredibly dated again and out of their element completely. I will give “You Could Be Wrong” this though, this has everything that I could have ever asked to hear from Alicia. There are some really sweet moments here and there, but this instrumental is sloppy as anything I’ve heard this year. It’s just so muddy, and we’re back to the backing band sounding like this is all a chore for them. This album ends off with “Hate and Control”, and I’ll give this one a little credit. While it’s still very sluggish, I do appreciate just how heavy this one is and how massive the production is. But Alicia honestly sort of takes the wind out of everything with her verses that do nothing for me. Instrumentally, this one is a whole lot more interesting. But Bully, from the looks of it, you guys need an absolutely massive change.
As this album rolls onward, it just gets worse and worse. While I haven’t always been a fan of Bully, I at least could appreciate some of their old, chaotic instrumentals. But “Guess There” may be the most ridiculously boring and sluggish Bully track yet. Alicia sounds absolutely bored to tears, I can shudder to think how any of this would come off live. Once again, lyrically I do get what Bully is going for, and every once in a while, there is a moment of brilliance as far as the melodies go. But outside of that, “Guess There” does NOT work for me. On the contrary, I feel like this is some of the worst material Bull have put together yet. Now, “Blame” is up next, and my initial thoughts were that this is easily the most blatant early 90’s ripoff I’ve heard yet. But no matter how much it sounds like Bully is performing over a Dinosaur Jr. track, I actually really REALLY like this track. I feel like as far as Alicia’s performance goes, this is actually as spot on as it can be. She seems totally invested in the performance, being wild when it needs to be and packing just enough punch. But it’s like I said, here, her vocals are much sweeter and catchier. And that just works so wonderfully for her. “Blame” is easily one of the best tracks I’ve heard from Bully in a very long time. Then we have “Focused”, and just when I felt like Bully was getting back on track I have so many questions about this one. What the hell even is this track? These instrumentals aren’t flattering to anyone in Bully. They’re just so sluggish and bland, to the point where it’s beyond cheesy and quite frankly just laughable. Even Alicia in this instance quite frankly just seems so bored with what’s going on around her, I don’t even want to think about hearing a track like this life. And things just plain get awkward when Alicia starts screaming her head off. Thankfully, Bully answer that with one of the best tracks here. This one has just the amount of groove and oomph that I needed to hear from these guys. Once again, Alicia’s vocals outside of her occasional yells are at their more pop-oriented here. But it ends up making this track loads more memorable. The instrumentals which are going for a nice groove on this one seem just so much more comfortable with Bully’s style. So no, “Not The Way” isn’t exactly wild and life-changing, but it’s a sweet Alt-Rock tune that I certainly wouldn’t mind checking out again.
Bully actually string a few really solid tunes together towards the end here. As this album continues to go for a smoother direction, tracks like “Spiral” really take control. Here, the guitars aren’t nearly as scratchy or explosive. But man, this is just a smooth, retro-tinged Alternative tune. Alicia doesn’t sound like she’s reaching for anything or even has to. And the band around her haven’t sounded this unified in ages. It’s a truly groovy tune that I really love. But like, why can’t we get more of tracks like this? Why does Bully constantly try so hard to bring back the 90’s post Grunge sound? “Either Way” on the other hand is a little more upbeat and exciting. But let’s be honest, Bully continues to sound seriously on a great path. Why the hell they always feel the need to fill the rest of their albums with these cringe-worthy Post Grunge anthems is beyond me. There’s an edge to “Either Way” and all, but Bully just sounds so much more comfortable. Not to mention, when Alicia explodes at the chorus, it comes off actually exciting. It’s short, but it’s also really sweet in Bully’s own way, and very charming. But up next “You Could Be Wrong”, and once again, all that feedback comes rolling back in and it’s pretty awful. All of sudden, Bully sound incredibly dated again and out of their element completely. I will give “You Could Be Wrong” this though, this has everything that I could have ever asked to hear from Alicia. There are some really sweet moments here and there, but this instrumental is sloppy as anything I’ve heard this year. It’s just so muddy, and we’re back to the backing band sounding like this is all a chore for them. This album ends off with “Hate and Control”, and I’ll give this one a little credit. While it’s still very sluggish, I do appreciate just how heavy this one is and how massive the production is. But Alicia honestly sort of takes the wind out of everything with her verses that do nothing for me. Instrumentally, this one is a whole lot more interesting. But Bully, from the looks of it, you guys need an absolutely massive change.
Rating: 6.2/10
Give A Listen To: "Kills To Be Resistant", "Blame", Not The Way", "Either Way"
Genre: Post Grunge / Alternative Rock / Noise Rock / Indie Rock
Overall Thoughts: Going into this, I figured this would be the release that sold Bully for me as a band. But that couldn't be further from the truth. This album is a freakin' mess. There are certainly great tracks sprinkled throughout, and some real moments of greatness. But frontwoman Alicia Bognanno seems completely disconnected from the rest of the band. Alicia often comes off awkward, and the rest of Bully just sort of seem bored. This band needs to switch things up, big time.
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